With Mozart’s favourite instrument

May, 14th 2017, 7pm | Tarnow, Poland


  • Three Madrigals by Bohuslav MARTINU (1947)
  • Moments Interrompus ( Interrupted moments) by Graziane FINZI (2012)
  • Passacaglia by Georg Friederich HAENDEL & Johan HALVORSEN (1720/1893)
  • Duo n°1 K423 in G minor by Wolfgang Amadeus MOZART (1783)

With Agnès PYKA (violin) & Blandine Leydier (viola)

The ensemble Des Equilibres flies to Poland just for an evening devoted to the very uncommon duet of violin and viola: From WA Mozart’s celebrated duet K423, which places the two instruments on an equal footing and displays an affirmed will to honor the viola, though decried by his peers, enshrines the legitimacy of associating the two instruments, then passing by Johann Halvorsen’s Passacaglia, a brilliant “extrapolation” of the traditional baroque theme of his elder Handel, and on through modern times with the Three Madrigals of Bohuslav Martinu, and finally to the contemporary Interrupted Moments of Graciane Finzi; the ensemble explores the whole horizon of possibilities offered by this type of duet, rare in chamber music, but which has nevertheless succeeded in crossing the centuries.