Cordes Pincées, Cordes Frottées in trio

17 August 2023 | Festival du Quercy Blanc

• Henriette Renié : Trio for violin, cello and harp (1915) 25 mn
• Camille Saint Saens : Fantasy Duo for violin and harp opus 124 (1907) 20 mn
• Max Bruch : 8 pieces (just 1 2 3 5 6 8), for violin, cello and harp 30 mn

With Agnès Pyka, violin / Thibaut Reznicek / Nora Lamoureux, harp

Production Ensemble Des Equilibres
With the support of SPEDIDAM
The ensemble Des Equilibres is member of FEVIS
The ensemble Des Equilibres is under agreement by DRAC Ile-de-France