October, 10th 2017, 20PM | Musée de la Marine (Navy Museum), Toulon
French-Russian Dialogue in the XXth Century
Pieces by Bacri, Dyck, Tcherepnine, Vierne & Michelet
Agnès Pyka (violin) / Blandine Leydier (viola), with the Brahms Trio
July, 2nd 2017 , 3pm | Borely Museum, Marseille
From Italian songs to spanish Songs
Pieces by Bellini, Tosti, Granados, Montsalvatge, Mompou &Falla
Maria-Eugenia Boix (soprano) / Anna Ferrer (piano)
October, 11th 2017, 20PM | Temple Grignan, Marseille
French-Russian Dialogue in the XXth Century
Pieces by Bacri, Dyck, Tcherepnine, Vierne & Michelet
Agnès Pyka (violin) / Blandine Leydier (viola), with the Brahms Trio